Updated: September 17, 2024

Since AI Makerspace started teaching cohort-based courses, we have consistently received requests for deferrals, and to date, we have allowed students to defer at their pleasure. However, our data suggests that deferrals do not help students achieve their goals.

This is due in part to the cohort's increase to 10 weeks, the increased difficulty associated with receiving a certification, and the increased resources and cash investment required for AI Makerspace to run a cohort. We no longer allow deferrals without adherence to strict criteria.

Criteria for Deferrals

Let us begin by considering the Maven refund policy. AI Makerspace fully supports this policy, which outlines that “On eligible courses, you can:

(1) request a full refund up until the course start date provided you have not already consumed a significant portion of the materials or

(2) request a full refund within 14 days of the course ending provided you have fully participated in the course

Please note the language “provided you have fully participated in the course.”

"Full participation," as defined by AI Makerspace, means:

  1. Attending sessions.
  2. Completing each homework assignment.
  3. Engaging in breakout rooms.
  4. Completing feedback forms at the end of class.
  5. Responding to engagement attempts by instructional staff (e.g. check-ins, requests for feedback, etc.) via Email, Discord, or other.

Deferrals for those who have “fully participated.”

If you have fully participated in the course, you may pay a “deferred certification fee” of $500 and re-do specific assignments required to complete your certification within 30 days.

If you have not submitted all assignments (including the Midterm assignment) or have not taken part in Demo Day, you are not eligible for this option.

Deferrals for those who have NOT “fully participated.”

If you have not fully participated in the course, you are advised to continue with and complete the course to obtain your “certificate of completion.”

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Note that the certificate of completion is different than becoming AI-Makerspace certified
